The most attractive and the most famous African markets in Europe are the markets of North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt. These are markets that trade with Europe on a daily basis and are commonly known as tourist destinations. Over the past 10 years, our company has been successfully developing relationships in the ports of Alexandria, Tunis and Agadir, cooperating with many exporters from the fresh food and natural raw materials trading segment, thus importing wood, processed food with a long shelf life, everyday products and machinery. As a result of the cooperation, a network of reliable relationships and partners was created, who constitute value for our company and a real, safe basis for the further development of our clients on the markets of North Africa.
Next steps
In order to consolidate foreign market management, our next step will be to shift North African relationship management to our Dubai organization, which should further increase the efficiency of our operations and the competitiveness of our services.
The aim of our actions is to improve the effectiveness of business process management in Africa and is also to encourage our clients to regularly explore this market and to prove that when our company coordinates the client's operations comprehensively, it is a safe and economically very attractive direction.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a market that we have been serving for 8 years. Our relationships include Riyadh and Dammam to the Kingdom of Bahrain. As a result of good relations with partners from KSA, a company in Poland was established with them in 2017, which serves the trade segment between Europe and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a very attractive market that is trying to find an alternative to income that is currently based on crude oil exploration and export. We perfectly complement this market with technological solutions and products from Poland. Our activity in Saudi Arabia also includes introducing industrial Asian clients to the KSA market, for example companies from company Japan and Taiwan.
Next steps
Our plans in this area include joining Polish and Saudi forces by establishing a joint company in Dubai, which will not only import Polish goods and services, but also export to Poland packaged goods from Asia and GCC countries through the hub in Dubai.
We are currently planning to complete long-term analysis that will select the most attractive goods for exchange between Europe and Asia in 2020-2025 through the hub in Dubai.

The Middle East is not only the Emirates, we treat Dubai more as a hub, safe and logistically perfect location, but it is not only one target market for our company, but it is also an ideal place to redistribute goods, especially to Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain and Qatar, Kuwait and Iraq are also interesting markets in terms of redistribution from nearby Dubai. We have selected the first Polish manufacturers interested in the wider market in the GCC region and by using the company in the Emirates as a hub, we will be able to safely redistribute our clients' products on the Middle East markets.
Next steps
Selecting universal range of products sought after by all Middle East markets, the distribution of which will start on a consistent and regular basis.
The most important goals are to expand the product range and other GCC markets in order to increase the exported volume and the portfolio of trusted distributors.
We have been getting to know Israel since 2017, through our partners in the United States, and from 2018 directly. Working all over the world in the trade of energy resources and food, from the beginning of our activity, we have dealt with businessmen from Israel and Arab countries. We treat everyone with respect and professionalism, providing all services at the same highest level. At present, together with our partners, we are preparing for trade projects in the field of natural resources, where Israel will play a strategic logistical importance. Israel is also a large sales market and producer of fruits and vegetables, which fits in the strategy of our organization.
Next steps
We are only getting to know Israel now and we hope to establish sufficiently strong contacts there in the coming years.
Establishing contacts, selecting companies with the best reputation as candidates for potential partners of our clients.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is 100 million people hungry for knowledge, business and products from many segments. Our company has been observing this market for many months, trying to gain knowledge and select the best partners. In 2019, we invited our selected partners to Poland and, with their support, prepared a strategy for entering the Congo market. We will offer this option to our current customers and companies outside our portfolio that are interested in selling their products to that market.
Next steps
Currently, our ACCURETTA consortium is also planning to launch an individual project dedicated to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The project will consist in selecting the most attractive Polish products, adequately to the target market and the direct and safe distribution in the DRC.
The purpose of cooperation with Congo is, above all, opening new sales markets for Polish products as well as selecting and checking the best partners on the final market who will be suitable for the further implementation of long-term projects.