
We approve the strategy for 2021 – what awaits us in the company after the difficult 2020?

November was a month of many stormy discussions among our partners. We struggled with the level of risk we can accept in 2021. We are well aware that not everything will immediately return to pre-pandemic stability. We had to change our long-term strategy and approach to some matters, also based on observations and experiences from 2020.

We decided to invest more in safe online communication, but we know from our experience so far that every, even the most virtually operated business requires regular meetings to create the atmosphere of trust and solidarity. It will be a challenge for which we prepare our employees and partners.

Despite this situation, the world has become a global village and there is no going back, no pandemic or political situation in the world will change it. Business knows no boundaries, which is why we have tried to ensure that our new strategy takes into account all the challenges in 2021 and in the years to come. Dear Customer, we are prepared for everything.